Tuesday 1 July 2014

Almost ready to go – but not quite…..


The pressure is mounting whilst we finish getting the Severn Swan (and ourselves) ready to launch forth into the big blue yonder. Martin has hurt his back again and I am still recovering from a recently broken wrist. All systems go then….. (Fortunately we had some help).

Our current plan is to leave Sharpness on Thursday 10th July on the 0630 tide.

We will only be going a couple of hours down the river to Portishead where we will fill up with fuel (we will need a mortgage for that) and stay overnight. On Friday we intend to go over to Cardiff for the International Food and Drink Festival.  I haven’t been to this before but with a title like that it must be good!

After the festival we will spend a day or so messing around in Cardiff Bay to test various systems before setting off for Milford Haven, hopefully via Porlock Weir so we can see the Harbour Master who build Severn Swan during the 1970’s and 80’s.

The tale of how we got to this point  - ie how we came to buy Severn Swan and then strip her out and rebuild her is set out on our website: schoonercharter.com (and it is nothing to do with chartering).

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